• Client Ampol
  • Location Brisbane, Queensland

Project challenge

  • Obtain a licence to operate a MHF
  • Integrating Process Hazard Anlayses outcomes into a QRA to present a How to carry forward the Process Hazard Analysis events into the QRA
  • Develop a comprehensive QRA document for input to Safety Case, to achieve regulatory compliance

Key benefits for the client

  • Obtained five year licence to operate.

Key issues

  • Previously, fabric failures and process systems failures were assessed independently without consideration of cumulative effects.
  • Refinery had been expanded with the addition of new process units since the initial application.
  • Regulatory requirements had changed since the original application

How Arriscar helped the client

  • Integrated the process incidents with fabric failure loss of containment incidents by:
  • - Screening PHA reports to identify process related contributors to major incidents
  • - Facilitating LOPA workshops and conducting fault tree analysis to estimate event frequencies
  • Developed criteria for serious risk to health and safety to address regulatory requirements
  • Developed contours for fatality risk and serious risk to health and safety.
  • Analysed the impact of different risk reduction options for use in SFAIRP demonstration
  • Helped the client identify safety critical elements for the Safety Management System.

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